1. Assign category approvers
  2. Assign tag approvers

Assign tag and category approvers

Expensify Classic

Once your workplace has created tags and categories, approvers can be assigned to them. Tag and category approvers are automatically added to the report approval workflow when a submitted expense contains a specific tag or category.

For example, if all employees are required to tag project-based expenses with a tag for the project, you can assign the project manager as the approver for that tag. This way, when a report is submitted containing expenses with that project tag, it will first be routed to the project manager for approval before continuing through the rest of the approval workflow.

If a report contains multiple categories or tags that each require a different reviewer, then each reviewer must review the report before it can be submitted. The report will first go to the category approvers, the tag approvers, and then the approvers assigned in the approval workflow.

Assign category approvers

  1. Hover over Settings, then click Workspaces.
  2. Click the Group tab on the left.
  3. Click the desired workspace name.
  4. Click the Categories tab on the left.
  5. Locate the category in the list of categories and click Edit.
  6. Click the Approver field to select an approver.
  7. Click Save.

Assign tag approvers

Tag approvers are only supported for a single level of tags, not for multi-level tags.

  1. Hover over Settings, then click Workspaces.
  2. Click the Group tab on the left.
  3. Click the desired workspace name.
  4. Click the Tags tab on the left.
  5. Locate the tag in the list of tags and click the Approver field to assign an approver.

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